The Art of Greenland Rolling

Saturday 28th September 2024 – £60 per person

This September Moray Kayaking welcomes the ‘gentle paddler’ Lorna Dixon whose philosophy of paddling is intrinsically linked to the Greenland style.

This is a one day taster programme with around four hours of coaching at Findhorn Yacht Club. Candidates can bring their own kayak and learn how best to adjust their positioning to achieve the best roll, or use the kayaks provided. The same applies to paddles.

The day can also be extended to a full weekend combining the ‘Greenland Rolling Developer‘ course on Sunday 29th September 2024. Just add the additional course to your booking.

Lorna enjoys demystifying the art of rolling and helping paddlers discover the fun and relaxation that can be found in gentle paddling and rolling techniques. Lorna’s interest in these techniques developed having spent time paddling in East Greenland and seeing first hand the communities and environments where these paddling techniques developed. Lorna believes Greenland techniques now offer us calm and efficient reliable ways to paddle and roll. As a mum of two and a geographer/ environmentalist, Lorna is an advocate of blue health benefits for people and planet, no matter how young or old. She uses Greenland techniques and gentle paddling opportunities as part of her toolkit that can support people to access and appreciate our amazing coastal environments. 

Moray Kayaking coach, Ali Garrow, will be assisting Lorna with a programme of learning developed this Spring with Greenland legends Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson in Portland, Maine. Focussing on both dry-land drills and supported practice in the water, candidates will not only learn the mechanics of the Greenland roll, but will understand how to support one another moving forward with practice.

Cheri and Turner can be found on

The overall aim of this workshop is to use your natural buoyancy and the support of the water to roll a kayak. You will learn the foundational skills for back deck rolls and build up the stages of a standard Greenland roll. You will learn some drills which will help you consolidate your skills at home.